Aceh Birder offers two distinct types of photography tours; Photography Tour and Birding Photography in Sumatra

Birding in Aceh

Schneider's Pitta in Gayo Highlands Sumatra

On a Photography Tour, we often concentrate on very specific targets and spend a lot of time with them, trying to get superb-quality photos. Seeing large numbers of species takes a back seat to getting awesome shots. 
Blue Nuthatch in Leuser Ecosystem Sumatra

A Photography Tour is where we go to take photos of very specific targets and spend a lot of time with them, though occasionally shoot whatever is around such as the Sumatran Orangutan and Thomas Leafmonkey. Now, All of our set departure trips on this page are photography tours. 

Graceful Pitta in Leuser Ecosystem Sumatra
On a Birding Photography, we try to see lots of birds and other animals, but also spend more time photographing them than we would on a traditional birding tour. We go after target birds and other animals but will shoot anything and try to capture as many great images of a wide variety of subjects as possible. Often you have no idea what you will come home with from the day and these are the trips that non-photographer or hard core birding partners really love.  When there are no birds to photograph, we chase all the birds around.

Roll's partridge (Arborophila rolli) is found in highland forest
in northern Sumatra, endemic to Indonesia.
Aceh Province is the best forest in Sumatra, for birding and bird photography. Aceh culture includes a strong respect for life of all kinds, and especially for birds. It is perfectly conceivable that you could shoot good photos of Sumatran Endemics on this tour. We spend most time trying to get great shots of birds - Sumatran endemics like Aceh Bulbul, Schneider’s Pitta, Roll’s Partridge, Red-billed Hill-partridge, Salvadori’s Pheasant (Lophura inornata hoogerwerfi), Bronze-tailed Peacock-Pheasant, Rajah Scops Owl, Short-tailed Frogmouth, Salvadori’s Nightjar, Graceful Pitta, Cream-striped Bulbul, Spot-necked Bulbul, Rusty-breasted Wren-Babbler, Shiny Whistling Thrush, Blue-masked Leafbird, Sumatran Babbler, Sumatran Bulbul, Sumatran Drongo, Sumatran Flowerpecker, Sumatran Green-pigeon, Sumatran Laughingthrush, Sumatran Leafbird, Sumatran Mesia, Sumatran Shortwing, Sumatran Treepie, Sumatran Trogon, Sumatran Warbler, Sumatran Whistling-thrush, Sumatran Woodpecker, Sumatran Wren-babbler, Sumatran Owlet.

Temminck's Sunbird in Leuser Ecosystem Sumatra
We try to balance seeing as many birds as possible while also trying to take great photos of them. We still target endemics and other specialties. We will also try to see and photograph other animals if any are around. If you are looking for a traditional Birding Tour, you should check out our Sumatra: Birding on Sumatra or Birding in Simeulue Island or Birds and Orangutan Sumatra

Birding photography tours are one of the most popular wildlife experiences. The nature photography or bird photography offered can either be photography specific or part of a broader wildlife experience like a bird watching tour or safari
. Give us a call at +6285361481022, or send us an email at


If you have any questions about our tours or require further information, we will be happy to hear from you. Give us a call at +6285361481022, or send us an email at or learn more about our   Birding Tour Leader ( Click Here )

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