Sumatran Birds Conservation Programme (SBCP)
The event ‘Roadshow Celebrating the WMBD by strengthening public awareness through Tourism Community’ was held by Aceh Birder on October, 14-15th 2023 both in Lhokseumawe District and Takengon district of Aceh Province, Indonesia.
- Komunitas Aceh Birder Kampanyekan Hari Migrasi Burung se-Dunia
- Komunitas Aceh Birder Roadshow Kampanye Konservasi Migrasi Burung
- 65 Spesies Burung Ditemukan di Perkebunan Kopi Bener Meriah
Agus yang juga dokter hewan itu mengatakan, di lokasi Kampung HBB terdapat banyak burung endemik Sumatera.
Pengamat Burung dari Aceh Birder Agus Nurza: Qanun Kampung HBB Langkah Maju Lestarikan Lingkungan
Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul Pengamat Burung dari Aceh Birder Agus Nurza: Qanun Kampung HBB Langkah Maju Lestarikan Lingkungan,
Penulis: Fikar W Eda | Editor: Mursal Ismail
SRCS-Aceh Birder
Please see on Youtube at:
Migratory waterbirds in East Aceh of Sumatra
Seminar and Training: Sumatran Bird and Bird Banding
The seminar and training of Sumatran Bird and Bird Banding was attended by students, Birders of Aceh province, Birders of North Sumatra province, Lecturer of the Faculty of Science-University of Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah) and the public.This activity discussed the biological aspects of birds and general status of Endangered birds in the world where located in Sumatra, both endemic and non-endemic and also medical aspects (veterinary) in particular. Agus Nurza (Aceh Birder leader) was as keynote speaker in seminar.
This activity took place on 19 to 21 February 2016 by the Himpus-Faculty of Medicine Unsyiah, shared and supported by Aceh Birder, Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan and Indonesian Bird Banding Schemes (IBBS).
Photo: Aceh Birder Leaders and Iwan Londo from IBBS, we got banding of Sumatran Babbler.
- See more at:
Bird Ecotourism Program; Aceh Birder has supported Birds Conservation efforts in Aceh, Sumatra
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World Migratory Bird Day 2015 in Aceh Sumatra
Successfully for the celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2015 in Aceh Sumatra Island, Indonesia. Thank you very much to our clients both which have or will do birdwatching with us. We support to Migratory Bird Conservation together with any Non Government Organization (NGOs) in Aceh Province of Sumatra.News at National Geographic Indonesia :
World Migratory Bird Day 2015 in Ujong Pancu-Aceh Besar district of Sumatra ______________________________________________________________________________
Bird Awareness Program in Gayo Highlands Sumatra
Aceh Birder working together with Cicem Nanggroe Society and we are committed to do Bird Conservation efforts in Aceh. We seek to contribute and support the birds conservation with Birders and other Clients which have do birdwatching trip with Aceh Birder. It is seem like birdwatching with us is same to enjoying birding in great nature and to protected birds in Aceh Forest of Sumatra. some photos of our activity in local news paper in Aceh province of Sumatra.Aceh Birder working together with Cicem Nanggroe Society and we are committed to do Bird Conservation efforts in Aceh. Some of our activity in local news paper Aceh province of Sumatra.